Citrus Baby: Utero Edition
Mascher Space Cooperative’s “Fresh Juice” June ‘21 at Hawthorne Park, Philadelphia
Performing for
Muhlenberg College’s “Ephemerality: Dances in Time” Spring ‘21, featuring Ruthy Freeberg, Emi Giuseffi, Renee Heller, Lindsay Helock, Alicia Houser, Hannah Warren
Three Completely Distinct Duets with Absolutely Nothing in Common
MFA Thesis work, The University of Iowa, featuring Kaitlin Craven, Ben Cullen, Christine Howe, Sarah Olson, Quincey Scholz, Lauren Vasilakos
Aluminum Fur
featuring Leigh Durian, Julianna Feracota, Callee Grell, Mikaela Mallin, Flannery McAdam, Grad/Undergrad Dance Concert, University of Iowa Fall ‘18
The General Idea
a performance devised collaboratively with Will Borich, Eddie Forehand, Jinwon Kim, & Ailey Picasso, University of Iowa Fall ‘18
Baby Blue: The Viking
featuring Bennett Cullen. MFA Dance Event, University of Iowa, Spring 2018
Beans to Fluff
featuring Valeria Amador, Kaitlin Craven, Erin Durian, Christine Howe, Kira Olivares, & Alyssa Simpson. MFA Dance Event, University of Iowa, Spring 2018. Photo by Matthew Finley.
Pretty good. Close enough.
A solo revisited, and a reminder never to reread an old diary. Faculty/Graduate Dance Concert, The University of Iowa, Winter 2018. photo by Miranda Meyer
Thanks, A & V
Grad/Undergrad Dance Concert, University of Iowa Fall 2017 featuring Valeria Amador & Angelia Mahaney, photo by Miranda Meyer
Head, Shoulders, Knees
a trio of duets set to National Public Radio featuring Marissa Illingworth, Harlee Trautman, & Jennifer Yackel
Gallery Hours
part of "A Body Has No Center" curated by Ricky Yanas, featuring Marisa Illingworth, Meredith Stapleton, Harlee Trautman, and Jennifer Yackel at Tiger Strikes Asteroid in Oct '16
What did your father tell you?
a duet with Harlee Trautman with texted pulled from "Bambi"
Helmet Vignettes
a collaboration with Ben Grinberg & Joseph Ahmed, "2 by 2" 6/17/16 at The Iron Factory
featuring Sarah Braviak & Hannah Wasserman, "2 by 2" 6/17/16 at The Iron Factory, photo by Reed Richards
a collaboration with Harlee Trautman, "2 by 2" 6/17/16 at The Iron Factory
You need to take five?
a collaboration with Meredith Clemons, "2 by 2" 6/17/16 at The Iron Factory
SOLOnely Together
Jan '16, produced by Caroline O'Brien at Headlong Studios, photo by Thomas Weir
Falling in Fancy Clothes
with Joseph Ahmed in Evening of Duets 2016, photo by Bill H
"Men Won't Make Passes at Women Wearing Glasses"
Traces of She, Fringe 2015, featuring Kat J Sullivan, Evalina Carbonell, Leanne Grieger
Men Won't Make Passes at Women Wearing Glasses
with Kat Sullivan, Etc Performance Series May 2015
Meredith Clemons, photo by Bill Hebert, Jan 2015
"Valentine Trio" version featuring Evalina Carbonell, Blythe Smith
featuring Antonia Brown, Evalina Carbonell, Sophie Malin, Blythe Smith, Jenelle Speller, & Hannah Wasserman
collaboration with Caitlin Sauter, Muhlenberg College, Spring 2013, photo by Erin Sauter
Away We Linger
featuring Jaclyn Birkner, Caitlin Fell, Danielle Gumbert, Carly Reed, & Caitlin Sauter, Muhlenberg College Spring 2013
Muhlenberg College Spring 2013, featuring Emily Ancona, Laura Barbalato, Allison Berger, Marissa Bottino, Kate Dougherty, Ali Lambert, Caitlin Sauter, & Annabel Williams
Accademia dell'Arte Arezzo, Italy, with Liv Berger & Kate Clarke, Spring 2012
Accademia dell'Arte Arezzo, Italy with Emily Karnes, Spring 2012
Where are my panties?
Accademia dell'Arte Arezzo, Italy with Emily Karnes, Spring 2012
Accademia dell'Arte Arezzo, Italy
featuring Krista Bacchieri, Laura Baehr, Maya Basik, Sarah Biren, Barri DiFransisci, & Christine Martey, Muhlenberg College Fall 2011, photo by Matt Wright
Flock Unwound
starring Celine McBride, Muhlenberg College Spring 2011, photo by Matt Wright